Flying lizards are the most efficient glide reptiles.
Flying lizard or kapom wing in the northeastern region They are the most efficient gliding reptiles. There was a large piece of leather on the side of the body. and can make all the skins unfold
A flying chameleon dropping from a tree 10 meters high can glide a distance of more than 60 meters and land on a tree or an area below it 2 meters away.
Flying chameleons are classified as small lizards. Most have a body length of not more than 20 centimeters, but the tail is longer than the body. Found in the forests of South Asia. and Southeast Asia, such as the Northeastern region in Thailand And found in abundance in the rainforest of the Malayan Peninsula, there are 31 species in total.
Flying chameleons are classified as small lizards. Most have a body length of not more than 20 centimeters, but the tail is longer than the body. Found in the forests of South Asia. and Southeast Asia, such as the Northeastern region in Thailand And found in abundance in the rainforest of the Malayan Peninsula, there are 31 species in total.